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Bench Time Podcast #96: Brett Gallant of SierraWest Scale Models3 min read

SierraWest Scale Models - Brett Gallant

How often do you get two Brett’s (and a Todd) together at the same time to talk about fine-scale modeling? Well, we’re not the official record keepers of the data on that, but this has got to be a first… Someone do the digging and find out for us.

Brett Gallant gave us his introduction into model building and model railroading and all we have to say is thank god that his mom didn’t just pitch those old yellow box builds that he built as a kid! First of all, how awesome is it that those kits have had such a huge impact on so many modelers through the last 40 to 45 years of modeling? It’s incredible and it has really kicked off the gears of creativity for so many amazing modelers out there.

Next we talk to Brett about what he’s got going on with SierraWest Scale Models and go into some of the history, techniques, and story behind SierraWest Scale Models. It was awesome to hear this story after we’ve been exposed to so many other kit companies, to hear a different perspective and region being created. Even though as Brett says, many of his kits can be used in any region being modeled, it’s neat to hear from a manufacturer outside of the northeast!

We wrap-up this episode by going through a HUGE variation of topics and we think this episode could’ve gone on for another two hours. We just clicked and had a ton to talk about with Brett Gallant!

Make sure to check out his site and keep up-to-date on his new and exciting release (yet to be named or announced yet…) here: SierraWest Scale Models

Contest Winner: Matthew Hankins

This week we’re taking a break. Just for a single week. We’re coming back with the contest, don’t worry. But we want to come up with some different ideas for the weekly podcast contest, and we’ll resume next week. We still have kits to give away, and we don’t need them sitting around the workshop! But we want to come up with some new and exciting ideas for our listeners.

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