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Weathering with Watercolor Pencils – Fine Scale Model Railroading2 min read

Weathering with Watercolor Pencils

It’s time for our Tuesday Tip of the Week!

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This week I’m going to go over how to use watercolor pencils for weathering on your detail parts or models. You need to make sure you’re using watercolor pencils for this technique and NOT basic colored pencils because… well because it’s probably going to really mess up your model and you’re going to have a bad day.

So double check when you’re buying them that they’re watercolor pencils.

Okay, moving on.

We picked these up at (insert your favorite box craft store here) with our coupons and ended up getting a really good deal on a couple of sets of pencils for weathering our models.

On the sample in this video, I show you how to put some rust on the rivets and plate on a Walthers tank we have painted up.

The technique is very simple as you can see and the precision of the watercolor pencils allows you to easily blend in other colors in your weathering. This lets you include more variety and depth into your weathering.

Once you’re satisfied with the placement of the watercolor pencils coloring, you can simply use a brush (a round brush in the sample video) and water to spread out your color and make the weathering effect take place as seen.

This process literally took about 40 seconds (longer in this video of course because I was explaining at the same time), and the pencils with a coupon were very affordable.

Adding Mildew to your models with watercolor pencils

In the second part of the video, I show you how adding a couple colors and layers of green and brown mixed with water can achieve an awesome mossy or mildew buildup on parts of your models or structures that may be exposed to moisture where this green weathering would build-up.

Weathering with watercolor pencils is a great technique that’s extremely easy to work with and we both believe that it’s something that most modelers should have in their arsenal of tools.

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